St George's Church of England Primary School

School Day

The importance of being in school every day on time is paramount to our pupil's great learning outcomes.

As part of our Safeguarding Policy, if your child arrives at school after 8:45am, please register them at the school office.

Should your child be unwell, please inform the school office by 8:45am on the first morning of absence.

Beginning of the Day

08:15 - School Office opens

08:40 - School Gates Open

Reception - Year 3 Tylney Road Entrance

Year 4 - Year 6 Pembroke Road Entrance

08:45 - Class doors open for 'soft start' and Registration

09:05 - Registration Closed


All late entrants must arrive via the School office and register. Absence: Should your child be unable to come to school, please ensure you leave a message with the School office by 8:45am.

Daily Timetable
09:05 Lessons commence
10:15 - 10:30 Collective Worship
10:30 - 10:45 Break
10:45 Lessons
11:45 - 12:45 Lunch (EYFS)
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch (Years 1-6)
12:45/13:00 Afternoon Registration/Lessons
15:15 Pupil Collection (EYFS Tylney Road Entrance)
15:20 Pupil Collection from classroom door (Years 1-3 Tylney Road Entrance)

Pupil Collection from classroom door (Year 4 Pembroke Road Entrance)

Pupil Collection from middle playground (Years 5 & 6 Pembroke Road Entrance)

End of the Day

16:00 - School Office Closes

18:00 - School Premises locked

May we request that when you collect your child/ren at the end of the day, you vacate the school grounds as soon as possible. We have various extra-curricular clubs and our Dragon Tea Club who need access to our playground spaces. In addition, in order to provide optimum health and safety for our children, we request that you leave the premises by 15.45.


Children attending any after school extra-curricular clubs or sporting activity should be collected at the MAIN DOOR to the school (and not the Tylney Road pupil entrance). Parents/guardians are asked to wait by the front car park gates and pupils will be brought to the main entrance by each Club facilitator.
NB: Dragon Tea club exits via the bottom entrance by 18:00.


Thank you for your support.